Saturday, February 14, 2009


Dear Rachel Dratch,

Today is Valentine's Day. Up to this point, I've always been one of those people who found Valentine's Day to be just kind of okay. I never called it VD or Single's Awareness Day. It seems like those people who do that are more likely to spend today pretending to be Carrie Bradshaw, wearing leggings, and probably eating at The Melting Pot with their other single girlfriends. I bet as soon as they might get into a relationship Valentine's Day becomes all lovey-dovey, pink, and purple.

We had great things planned out for today. First we were going to get another beagle. Our current beagle is incredible, which means he also has spoiled us with his beauty and charm. Beagles that need to be adopted all have one thing in common: they're all a little busted. Don't get me wrong, they are some really cute ones. There may have only been one really cute one, her name was Miss Punkin and she is now adopted. The rest don't look nearly as ugly in person as they do online. Some dogs just don't photograph well. I wish someone would tell that to Fantasia Barrino. We were kind of into this one, Rudy. He was a little too sad though. And he came from a breeder. Life is not so hard Rudy, quit playing. The search continues in the hopes of finding our next beagle. She is out there.

There was also an attempt made to get iphones. Maybe you might know about this one, being a celebrity who's on top of all things. Did you know that if you don't have credit, because you just don't have credit, they charge you like $500 to hold as a deposit? I bet when you got your iphone they just handed it to you. I hope NBC covers the cost of that for you, those jerks. If they did, that means they probably have credit. They probably drink iphones over there. I ended up signing up for a credit card this afternoon in the hopes of building some credit. That whole thing is very silly to me. I just want to be like the cool kids! Geez.

What are you up to today? It seems Minsky's has you very busy lately. My google alerts have something almost daily about it. I imagine you are taking it easy, chilling all day. I will tell you to not order the heart-shaped pizza from Papa John's. It's a scam to also get you to order their chocolate covered pizza crusts. And the pizza is thin crust, which just is not what Papa John's is about. We ended up just getting a regular pizza. That mess was delicious. Are you going to watch Saturday Night Live tonight? I bet it's awful, per usual. Since you've been gone, it is a straight-up stink show. No thank you. I think I have some old weird black and white movies about water fronts and noon-time shootouts in my future. Give me a shout!


1 comment:

  1. I second SNL being terrible since Rachel left! It's the worst! Might as well bag it up and fling it out onto the streets of NYC for the trash pickup! ;p Well it's not THAT bad.. it does have it's moments. But the show is seriously lacking w/o Rachel and now w/o Amy. Kristen saves it for me, and I love Fred and Will. But overall... not nearly as good at all. :-/

    Happy ValenTIMES Day! :) I really enjoy your blog, and I see it's picking up Diggs and word-of-mouth! Cool!
