Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dear Rachel Dratch,

I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago. I don't know how often you get your hair cut, but I might go every two or three months. I had been cutting it myself, just buzzing it all off with these clippers I have. I stopped doing that for a while and people started commenting that they liked me with longer hair. I mean anything more than like an eighth or a quarter of an inch is longer than what I had, so any length tended to garner, "Are you growing your hair out?"

Having had short hair for so long, I decided that maybe I would let my hair grow out a little. The last time I buzzed it all off was in August. I also realized that any job prospects I may have might be turned off if I came in looking like a skinhead. Interesting that my first job started in September, when I had hair on my head. My hair grows pretty fast, so going two or three months between cuts leaves me looking a little, um, shaggy. Ok, it may be more like a fro. It gets real puffy and a little large. My hair is super thick, too. So there's all kinds of hair going on up there. In November, right before I went home to see family and do Thanksgiving, I got my first haircut in a year and a half. I felt like one of those crazy people on "What Not to Wear" when I admitted that I had been cutting my own hair for that long. They said I did as good of a job on my head as those folks at Supercuts. This did make me ponder a career in hair.

The lady who cut my hair was alright, her personality didn't really make me tingle. The next time I went to this salon, I got this other woman. The new lady cuts Ben's hair and the hair of two other friends. I trust her. She was super awesome. I had a great time and got a great cut. She was also the first hair person to suggest that I start parting my hair from the right, rather than the left. Hello! I have three cowlicks on my head, which combined with all that hair, that make for quite the mess. But parting it on the right totally gives me some control over the insanity.

It was time to get a haircut about a month ago, and the lady I liked wasn't available at times that I was available. I had to seek out a new hair person. I almost decided to say fuck it and start cutting my own hair again. But the length looked really good and I just needed someone to help me get it back under control. I found this other lady who is near my current job. Perfect.

The new lady is really good and really sweet. I look good. As we were finishing up, after she had cut my hair, we decided to straighten it. This always makes me feel a little a little uncomfortable because it makes me feel like my hair is super poofy. But she reassures me, "We'll make really piecy!"

I thought she said "P.C." as in politically correct. At first I didn't understand what that meant, but then I reasoned it out to me that she wouldn't make me look too gay that it would be more acceptable if were just subtly flat ironed rather than like full on Clay Aiken. The funny thing is that she said it a few more times, too. I would just look at her face to read her facial expression and mimic it back to her. I would add a little laugh to make it seem like I was totally understanding. I started to get a little offended. Was I too gay looking and she needed to tone me down? I was wearing a tie and khakis so that wasn't it. Am I unaware of some flamboyance that is obvious to people who just met me but not obvious to me? I hope not. I wasn't sure what it was, but I tried to just go with it. Up to this point, I had really been enjoying the hair cut and the hair cut lady. She was really nice and she had me looking real good. I didn't want to have to search out for another hair person. I liked her.

As these thoughts were swirling in my head, she said something that changed it all. "It's so funny. This one time I was cutting this lady's hair and I told her I was going to make it piecy. And she kept correcting me telling me she wanted it choppy. And I would say piecy, and she would say choppy. And this continued until I realized she thought I meant P.C. I thought she was crazy! What is a P.C. haircut? That is so weird. Who gets that confused?" As I shrugged my shoulders, knit my brow, and twisted my mouth into one of those, "Who the fuck knows" looks, my insides were dying. I am one of those people who misunderstands piecey to be P.C. I thought I was going to have hair that wouldn't offend anyone.

I laughed and said, "Oh man. That's so dumb!"

My hair drives me nuts. Your hair looked beautiful on the Bravo A-List Awards. Hope you are well.


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